"For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light..."

Interfaith Relationships

Interfaith Information

"The LDS principles of tolerance are rooted in the teaching that all who have lived, now live, and will yet live on this earth are spirit children of God and are responsible only to God for their religious beliefs and practices. "We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience," says Article of Faith 11, "and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship, how, where or what they may." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Why does Mormonism arouse such animosity?
Although the religions of men are often tolerant of each other, they cannot abide the presence of living prophets and the truths of salvation. Their bitterness and opposition toward Mormonism are an essential witness of its truthfulness." Joseph Fielding McConkie

Do only Mormons go to Heaven?
No, Latter-day Saints do not believe that they are the only ones who go to Heaven. However, they believe that certain blessings are reserved only for faithful Latter-day Saints.

We Bear Witness of Him
President Gordon B. Hinckley encourages Latter-day Saints to be kind and respectful of other religions in spite of any doctrinal differences.

Social Relations With Non-Mormons
"The social milieu of the Church in modern times may be compared to that of the New Testament Church. In each situation, a peculiar people amid multiple religious traditions and structures engendered hostility." Encyclopedia of Mormonism


Jewish Interfaith Relationships
"Generally, relations between members of the two groups have been characterized by mutual respect and goodwill. Exceptions include sharp differences between Mormons and some Jews on the issue of the purpose of the Brigham Young University Center for Near Eastern Studies in Jerusalem (dedicated 1989; see Brigham Young University: Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies). However, a workable relationship prevails." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

"The views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members toward Jews and Judaism have been shaped chiefly by LDS teachings and by historical contacts with Jewish communities. These teachings include regarding the Jews as an ancient covenant people with a prophesied role in the contemporary gathering of Israel and in events of the last days, and the contacts include educational activities in Israel and LDS proselytizing efforts outside of Israel." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

"In modern times, Joseph Smith affirmed the perpetuity of the Abrahamic Covenant and defended the integrity of Judaism. Today, however, if Latter-day Saint males are circumcised, it is for cleanliness and health, not religious, reasons." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Jewish Studies
A collection of graduate papers in Jewish Studies


Other Faiths

Interfaith Relationships - Other Faiths
"Generally the LDS outreach to non-Christians has had a positive, invigorating effect on members of the Church, has strengthened Church membership significantly, and has brought about increased awareness of cultural differences as well as a willingness to work within those differences." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Overview of World Religions
A discussion of Mormonism in relationship to Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, and Shinto.

"Atheism is the disbelief in or denial of the existence of God." Elder Bruce R. McConkie

'The cult of Satanism has evolved over many years. At the present time, symbols related to Satan have become so prevalent that the warning voices of leaders in the Church have again been raised concerning some people's fascination with the power of evil. Latter-day Saints are admonished to avoid any contact with Satanism, even with the good intention of learning about it in order to warn others of its dangers." Encyclopedia of Mormonism(See Daily Living home page)

Overview"Latter-day Saints believe that God has inspired not only people of the Bible and the Book of Mormon, but other people as well, to carry out his purposes. Today God inspires not only Latter-day Saints but also founders, teachers, philosophers, and reformers of other Christian and non-Christian religions." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Buddhism"The philosophy of Gautama (Gotama, in Pali), sometimes called Theravada Buddhism, with its emphasis upon the worthlessness of the physical body, of individuality, of this phenomenal mortal life, of faith in God, and of judgment, disagrees with LDS doctrine...This is not to say that the gospel and Buddhism contradict one another in every way. The LDS religion, like Buddhism, advocates meditation, reverence, inspiration, and moderation. Latter-day Saints embrace elements similar to those of the Eightfold Middle Path, which advocate freedom from ill will and cruelty, and abstinence from lying, talebearing, harsh and vain thought, violence, killing, stealing, and sexual immorality (see Commandments)." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Confucianism"The Confucian focus upon moral example as the basis of harmony in society, government, and the universe is consistent with LDS views. However, Confucius was not interested in metaphysics or theology; he did not advocate belief in God, nor did he talk about life after death. He was concerned with humans in their social setting." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Hinduism"Hinduism and the gospel of Jesus Christ differ in their perceptions of deity. In Hinduism there exist many gods, of thunder, drink, fire, sky, mountains, and the like, who are variously playful, capricious, vindictive, loving, and law-abiding....For Latter-day Saints, God the Father, his son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost form a tritheistic group of individuals of unified purpose and power, always systematic and ethical. (See Teachings About the Godhead home page)" Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Islam"On balance, Mormon teachings thus seem to have cast Islam in a positive historical role." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Shinto"No counterpart to the central tenet of LDS faith—the crucifixion and Atonement of Christ—exists in Shinto. While the LDS Church and many other world religions concentrate on the theology of death and sin, the importance of holy writ, and the responsibilities of parenting and church service, Shinto values and attitudes are transmitted through festive celebrations of the powers within mountains, waterfalls, trees, and other aspects of nature." Encyclopedia of Mormonism(See Daily Living home page; Interfaith Relationships home page)




Christians in Belief and Action
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin explains how Latter-day Saints are Christians.

Christians and Christianity
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not see itself as one Christian denomination among many, but rather as God's latter-day restoration of the fulness of Christian faith and practice. Thus, from its earliest days LDS Christians sought to distinguish themselves from Christians of other traditions. Other forms of Christianity, while bearing much truth and doing much good under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are viewed as incomplete, lacking the authority of the priesthood of God, the temple ordinances, the comprehensive understanding of the Plan of Salvation, and the nonparadoxical understanding of the Godhead." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Christology is the theological study of the human and divine natures and roles of Jesus Christ. This article compares how some other Christian groups view the nature and role of the Savior to the LDS view.

Christian Interfaith Relationships
"The Church has never existed in isolation or insulation from other Christian faiths. Its roots and its nurture are in, and remain in, the Christian heritage. But its claim that the heavens have opened anew, that a restoration of the lost radiance and power of the full gospel of Jesus Christ is under way at divine initiative, and its rejection of many long-standing traditions have generated misunderstanding and ill will." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

How is LDS theology different from other Christians?
"As biblical scholar W. D. Davies once pointed out, LDS doctrine can be described as biblical Christianity separated from hellenized Christianity, a conjunction of first-century Judaism and Christianity." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

What are some distinctive LDS teachings?
"Few religious doctrines are unique in the strict sense, but many are rare enough to be considered distinctive features of this or that religion or denomination. Several doctrines of the Latter-day Saints are distinctive in this sense, although in most cases other Christians have at some time held identical or similar beliefs." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Harmonization of Paradox
"Because Latter-day Saints reject the influences of Neoplatonism on original Christian theology, they are not on the horns of the dilemmas posed by some of the paradoxes in traditional Christian theology." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Catholicism and Mormonism
"Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy are grounded in the same theological tradition. They are similar to each other doctrinally and hold teachings that differ from Mormonism." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Why do mormon missionaries to preach to other Christians?
At April 1998 General Conference, Elder Dallin H. Oaks explained why we proselyte members of other denominations.

Immaculate Conception
"Latter-day Saints accept neither the ... doctrine of original sin nor the need for Mary's immaculate conception (MD, p. 375). Instead, they "believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression" (A of F 2), because Jesus' Atonement redeems all, including Mary, from the responsibility for Adam's trespass (Moro. 8:8)." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

"While Latter-day Saints share with Protestants a conviction of the importance of the scriptures, an extensive lay priesthood (but given only by the laying on of hands by those having proper priesthood authority), and the primacy of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior as the first principle of the gospel, they differ from them by affirming a centralized authority headed by a latter-day prophet and by a number of other doctrines unique to the Church, i.e. temple ordinances for the living and the dead, and the eternal nature of the marriage covenant." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

"Mormonism" and Christendom
It has become popular among opponents of the LDS faith to distort and misrepresent this LDS belief by claiming that Mormons despise all of the beliefs and advocates of all non-LDS Christian churches. This article addresses that charge.

Are Christians Mormon?
"Here the plan is to reverse the question and ask, "Are Christians Mormon?" This is not mere word play. In our time there are renowned and influential spokesmen and writers in all the major wings of Christendom--and they are not on the periphery but at the center--who are defending and teaching what, a century ago, Joseph Smith almost alone taught. For teaching it he, and his immediate heirs, gave their lives. No one of these spokesmen has pulled it all together, but there are pieces and fragments everywhere."  Truman G. Madsen

"Some Latter-day Saints have ambivalent feelings about the clergy of other Christian traditions, in part because some professional ministers participated in the early persecution of the Saints and others in current times continue to produce anti-Mormon publications (See anti-Mormon Publications)." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

"From the beginning of the Church until the present, its view has always been that such formulas are incompatible with the gospel's inclusive commitment to truth and continual revelation." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

"Communion refers to partaking of the Lord's Supper. The more common term among members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Sacrament (D&C 59:9)." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints rejects the belief in predestination—that God predetermines the salvation or the damnation of every individual." Encyclopedia of Mormonism

Great and Abominable Church
"Though many Protestants, following the lead of Martin Luther, have linked this evil force described in Revelation 17 with the Roman Catholic church, the particular focus of these LDS and New Testament scriptures seems rather to be on earlier agents of apostasy in the Jewish and Christian traditions." Encyclopedia of Mormonism