"For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light..."

Book of Enos

by Marilyn Arnold

Following the pattern set by his father and predecessors (Jacob 1:2-4; cf. Enos 1:13-16), Enos, son of Jacob, personally recorded the testimony and prophetic promises granted to him. Enos (c. 515-417 B.C.) is a figure who touches the heart. He typifies conversion, compassion, and confidence before the Lord. While he was hunting beasts, the words of his father "concerning eternal life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into [his] heart," and his "soul hungered" (1:3-4). All day and into the night he "wrestle[d]…before God" in "mighty prayer" until he received a remission of his sins. He successively prayed for his own welfare, for the welfare of his brethren the Nephites, who strayed too easily from righteousness, and then for his brethren the Lamanites, who had become increasingly ferocious and wild. Enos received a covenant declaration from the Lord that the Nephite records would be brought forth to the Lamanites. He knew with a surety that he would see his Redeemer's face with pleasure and would receive a place in the mansions of the Father (1:27).

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